Lifestyle,  Mindful Living,  Self Care

Coming Back from Burnout and Falling Back in Love with Content Creation

It’s definitely been some time since I’ve made an appearance on here. I think it’s been about a year, if not longer. I would give some long drawn out explanation like I always do, but to be honest, I was incredibly burnt out. Back in 2020, I think I posted about 2 to 3 blog post a week and at least 3 times on Instagram as well. Also, I was trying to revive my YT channel and I started a sticker and stationery business. My life was very jam-packed.

Fast forward to present day, my sticker shop is currently going through a rebrand, my YT channel is back, and I’m attempting to be consistent on Instagram (it’s still really hard.) I couldn’t quite figure out what was missing from my life this year and then I remembered my first (content creator) baby I started back in 2015(ish.) ChelsiKay – my blog. I didn’t really forget about it, but I did contemplate getting rid of it…for MONTHS. Around the beginning of August, I decided to keep it up and running even if I didn’t post ever again. But why wouldn’t I post ever again?

Well, I was scared of burning out again. I was so consistent back in 2020 and was on a roll! But, there was a lot going on in 2020, as we all know. Something had to fall by the wayside and it ended up being my first baby! Every time I tried to come back over the last four years, the passion just wasn’t there anymore and I couldn’t figure out why. The same happened with my YT channel as well. I lost my love for creating long-form and written-form content due to burnout.

Blogging, filming, and editing takes a lot of time and mental capacity and it was just so much easier to create short-form content at the time. TikTok really took up a TON of my time and headspace, so that’s where all of my energy was going. And if you’ve been on that clock app, then you know the never-ending rabbit holes that you can find yourself in. If I’m being completely honest, I really just liked seeing the instant growth on other platforms too.

But back to the burnout. Something people don’t tell you is that, you don’t truly recover from burnout. You either never come back or the break you take is really long. Years long, apparently. I decided to come back, because I wanted to fall in love with written form content again. I think it’s something that we ALL need. Blogging was probably one of my most creative and favorite hobbies/passions, even though my grammar is off and my sentence structure could use some work. I truly missed writing.

Another little confession: I do not like short-form video whatsoever. While trying to grow my IG and TikTok following thru video, I complained the entire time. I still do post on Instagram, but I just post whatever I want now – just like I did before Reels was released. I think it could be that I’m just over it or my age. Oh yeah, I’m 31 now! Sometimes, even I can’t believe that. But I feel like, I just can’t be bothered to keep changing my content around an algorithm constantly.

I don’t blame other platforms for falling out of love with blogging, but my desire for wanting to grow quickly. I blame myself for overwhelming myself with posting 2-3 times a week, instead of just weekly. It’s always been quality over quantity and it will always be that way with just about anything.

Now, am I back for good? I can’t say for sure, but writing this was incredibly cathartic. If I am back, I’m thinking about 3 posts a month. I want to make really good quality content, take pictures again, and really embrace “slow content” or “original content.”

Anyway, this was a long one. But if you made it this far…

Thanks for reading,


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